Free bus & train

Free experience with bus and train around the Black Forest.

Buses and trains free!

With us you can get a KONUS card which you can use for buses and trains between Pforzheim and Basel, Karlsruhe and Waldshut for free of charge.

How you can you use it?

  • Upon arrival and registration in our house you receive a guest card. This provided Guest Card  contains the KONUS symbol and can be used among many other services as a free pass.
  • You only pay the visitor’s tax. This KONUS guest card is valid in the period of your stay registered in all buses and trains of the participating associations in KONUS Scope in 2nd class (except ICE, IC and EC and cable cars and some of the surrounding terrain buses). KONUS is valid only for the transport of persons, not for free transport of animals and bicycles.

You can get further information at